Friday, February 28, 2020

Social Problems - Hotel Rwanda-indenify a social problem within the Essay

Social Problems - Hotel Rwanda-indenify a social problem within the movie - Essay Example century, and eventually the tension was so great that a full-fledged civil war broke out in 1994 and resulted in the deaths of almost a million people. Foreign aid was sent in to calm the situation, but a lack of crucial support meant that both the Hutu and the Tutsi people were forced to hide as refugees wherever they could find shelter from the rampaging armies. Hotel Rwanda is a movie that tells the true story of one man who lived through the war and realized that he could only rely on himself to save his own life and the lives of many other refugees. The movie takes place in the Rwandan capital of Kigali in 1994, just as the serious violence between the Hutus and Tutsis breaks out. The main character, Paul Rusesabagina, was the manager of the HÃ ´tel des Mille Collines in Kigali. Mille Collines means ‘thousand hills’ in French, the language of Rwanda’s Belgian colonizers, and the phrase is used as a direct reference to Rwanda itself – the land of a thousand hills. The movie is a very accurate depiction of the Rwandan conflict in 1994, and during the course of the film Paul Rusesabagina finds himself in an awkward position as a Hutu who doesn’t believe in politics or violence against the Tutsi. He first claims responsibility solely over himself and his family, but soon realizes that he is the only person who can save the lives of hundreds of families and children of both Tutsi and Hutu tribes who are being persecuted by armies on either side. His hotel becomes a place of refuge for over 1200 peo ple, and the only way to keep the ‘guests’ from being killed by the armies is to pretend that it is being run as usual for high-class, European paying guests. Paul does his best to keep the hotel running – he bribes military leaders with unlimited beer and scotch so that they will guard the gates of the establishment and keep the gun-wielding Hutu army and Tutsi rebels out of the building. At the outbreak of the conflict, UN forces are sent in and

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

ESSAY of POETRY ANALYSIS Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Of POETRY ANALYSIS - Essay Example Notice how the author subtly uses the word ‘try’ at the beginning of the title. The statement seems more like a gentle plea, a provocation on the part of the author toward victims and people affected by the tragedy (Zagajewski) – signifies how we ought to discover beauty amidst the myriad occurrences, so tragic and mutilating, not only of environments and systems, but also of the fabric of inner harmony. There is an innate optimism and forbearance in the theme of the title. Zagajewski talks about ‘praise’ and not mere tolerance. This implies that there is a need to transcend circumstances, and through transcendence peace is found, no matter how seemingly damaged or ‘mutilated’ the circumstances or environment might seem. There is an allusion to â€Å"June’s ‘long’ days† transporting one to a moment in the past, when there was leisure and a sense of lightheartedness. An almost sensual image is being painted, wherein ‘wild strawberries, drops of wine, the dew’ (Zagajewski) all combine to create an experience of beauty and extravagant indulgence in life’s finer aspects. The tone is turns slightly morose, where there is a reference to â€Å"nettles that methodically overgrow† (Zagajewski) Nettles are flowering plants, but also have stinging hairs on their stems. While the nettle produces something as beautiful as a flower, it also has the hidden potential of killing and destruction. There is an implication here that, the world, no matter how ‘toxic’ is filled with pockets of ‘flowers’ and it is up to us to identify and focus on that which is beautiful in the world. The repetition of the title here has an undertone of an inst ruction. This verse indicates the dualities, the opposites, and the inseparable tragedy in luxury. â€Å"†¦.stylish yachts and ships† (Zagajewski) are images used to either explain themselves in all their opulence, or represent the people in fancy suits and offices in the WTC, just before the 9/11